

Steps for the Healing

The Earth is a vital planet on which life pervades all domains – the seas, the atmosphere, the forests, the soil. The human being is a natural element in the super-organism Earth, the most astonishing planet in our galaxy.


However, for too long man has considered himself the navel of the world and, in tragic hubris and arrogance, has caused serious damage to the life-supporting systems of planet Earth. It is high time for our species to become aware of its own power and lack of wisdom. We still have time – but only a few years – to turn this ship around and to begin the healing of the planetary wounds.


Post-corona: Is this the “normality” we want to get back to?

The madness of plastic pollution

In December 2020 it became clear that we are poisoning our own species. But people and their governments are too corona-dazed to take notice.

The madness of ecocide

Since 2020 human-made stuff outweighs all life on Earth. Production of “goods” and waste continue to increase while the presence of living things fades.

The madness of global trade

The way trade functions in the global economy is insane – it wastes resources, spreads pathogens (and even pandemics), exacerbates the climate crisis and undermines the livelihoods of millions of small producers worldwide.


Here is a hair-raising fact sheet (PDF) and a funny short film about Insane Trade.

The madness of financing fossil fuels

Banking on Climate Change: The world’s leading banks have invested $1.9 trillion in fossil fuel financing since the Paris Accord was adopted, with funding increasing every year.

Read more here.

Time to open ourselves to different ways of looking at things

Meeting our fellow creatures

The ecocentric documentary My Octopus Teacher has won the best documentary Oscar.

Nature is speaking

Nature Is Speaking – Julia Roberts is Mother Nature | Conservation International (CI)

To end the big destruction…

Just imagine how much easier it would be to protect what we love and what supports life if it were a crime to destroy ecosystems. It would make all the difference. And this essential law is already visible on the horizon.

Support Stop Ecocide. Become an Earth Protector here.

Challenging the industrial, mechanical paradigm

Award-winning scientist and activist Vandana Shiva about the recolonisation of farming. Interview on France24


The answers to the most burning questions of our time. Uncompromising, comprehensive and easy to understand.


This book unmasks the placations and half-truths, exposes the disinformation campaigns, and proceeds to the root causes of our global disaster. Yet it spreads hope and courage, and shows how we can still change course despite all adversities: with joy towards a happy and healthy planet!


Topics covered:
How our planet “works”.
Climate and feedback systems.
The disruption of the global life systems.
Fear + Denial.
Positive future perspectives.


To be published soon.


Ein Aufrüttler über die wichtigsten Themen unserer Zeit und die Notwendigkeit zu handeln.

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Ein Aufrüttler über die wichtigsten Themen unserer Zeit und die Notwendigkeit zu handeln.

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